How Does a Sexual Addict Define Sobriety?

How Does a Sexual Addict Define Sobriety? By Robert Weiss, LCSW, CAS In order for recovery to take place from any addiction, there must be some bottom line definition of sobriety. For the alcoholic this is a simple definition, alcoholics and drug addicts define sobriety as being the amount of time they have abstained from…

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Treating the Family of the Sexual Addict

Understanding Treating the Family of the Sexual Addict Adapted from The National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity The effects on children in a household in which one or both parents suffer from an addictive sexual disorder have been overlooked in much of the literature related to sexual addiction. Most children in these households are aware…

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Sexual Assault

Characteristics of Sexual Assault Most citizens know very little about sex offenders: where they live, how they are treated, if they can be treated, and who is victimized. As a result, the general public holds many misconceptions about sex offenders that contribute to fear and denial about crimes of sexual assault.  These fears and concerns…

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Teenagers as Victims of Pornography

The Life of Teenagers as Victims of Pornography By Mark Kastleman Porn Places Teens and Adults in the Same Sexual Category Pornographers make no attempt to separate the sexual development and maturity of teenagers from that of adults, by placing teens and adults in the same general category. In fact, pornographers go to great lengths…

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Understanding Compulsive Masturbation

A Parents Guide to Understanding Compulsive Masturbation Of all the types of sexual acting out, compulsive masturbation is one of the most secret and isolative. The person engaging in this sexual activity is often the last to seek help.  Often they don’t understand that this behavior is a problem. Most often they feel shame from…

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? People with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) have either obsessions, or compulsions, or both. The obsessions and/or compulsions are great enough to cause significant distress in their employment, schoolwork, or personal and social relationships. What characteristics are associated with OCD? Obsessions: As a result these thoughts, which are annoying, distracting, and…

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Conduct Disorders in Children and Adolescents

A comprehensive approach into Conduct Disorder in Children and Adolescents What Is Conduct Disorder? Conduct disorders in children and adolescents repeatedly violate the personal or property rights of others and the basic expectations of society. A diagnosis of conduct disorder is likely when symptoms continue for 6 months or longer. Conduct disorder is known as…

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Bipolar Disorder

What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is usually diagnosed after a person has one or more manic episodes. People who have the classic form of bipolar disorder experience alternating periods of depressed moods and periods of manic or excited moods. This condition is sometimes referred to as “mood swings” or manic depressive disorder. Other people…

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Fostering Resilience

The Nature of Fostering Resilience Some longitudinal studies, several of which follow individuals over the course of a lifespan, have consistently documented that between half and two-thirds of children growing up in families with mentally ill, alcoholic, abusive, or criminally involved parents or in poverty-stricken or war-torn communities do overcome the odds and turn a life…

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Gifted Children with ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder of childhood, and is marked by a constellation of symptoms including immature levels of impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). The National Institutes of Health declared ADHD a “severe public health problem” in its consensus conference on ADHD in 1998. In the…

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The Role of Grief and Loss in Addiction Recovery

Understanding The Role of Grief and Loss in Addiction Recovery By Robert Weiss, LCSW, CAS Addicts and family members in the early stages of recovery may not consider the strong role that the grief process plays in their experience. There are obvious times when we consider grief to be a natural reaction to life circumstances…

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Eating Disorders

What are eating disorders? Eating disorders are abnormal eating behaviors, which include anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is defined as the refusal to reach or to keep a weight that is considered to be the minimum required for a person’s height and age. Hence bulimia is an eating pattern of repeated occurrences of binge eating followed…

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